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Value in Marketing

art in strategy®

Innovative corporate
solutions and unique media


We transform company

relevant topics through unique

art projects into

exciting brand experiences


Artists get an opportunity to create

and in return

your company receives unique media

and innovative impulses for your brand development

Wether for Creative-strategic branding or re-branding, image improvement or image change, drawing attention to certain unique selling points of your company such as its values or special features of its services, it's products, it's production process - art in strategy® provides added value.


We create discruptive brand experiences via Innovation Thinking. Taking on a function of a (temporary) creative lab for you we figure out your needs and bring ideas to life interpreting company-related topics together with artists to open up a space for innovative reflection and thus a different perspective through art. Artists think holistically, they think through processes in often unconventional ways; they are professionals in making new beginnings and very sensitive to social developments. By connecting such artistic processes strategically with the corporate world, we create both exciting content and innovative impulses for our clients' brand development. 


It's a win-win situation for both the economy and the arts. With art in strategy® your company gets a competitive advantage through differentiation and at the same time is socially committed through art sponsorship by giving artists the opportunity to create profound works as part of a holistic corporate concept.


Unique to 

art in strategy® 

1/5 Using abstraction


Using contextual and visual abstraction is the first unique to our approach. Abstraction plays with the expectations of the viewers in an exiting way to open up a more differentiated level of perception than concrete communication.
The unpredictable, the direct and at the same time the strange raises curiosity, captures attention.

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Abstracting "Tradition"

2/5 Artistic independence


Interacting with artistic independence provides thought-provoking impulses and creates exciting content: Through art new target groups can be reached by showing the works in other contexts and realms in which the company usually does not present itself (e.g. in a museum). Furthermore this opens a new aspects about the company that may be interesting for the press and worth reporting about.



Artistic Independence

3/5 Playing with the unexpected


We play with the unexpected to convey content in an unusual and sustainable way, e.g. working with unusual art forms. If one experience things and is unexpectedly surprised by it, that experienced is anchored more profoundly in the memory than just reading information about a topic.

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Playing with the unexpected

4/5 Using art as a mirror of society


We use art to mirror the needs of society. 
When artists interpret corporate themes, both marketing and socially relevant content is created. It is always important to offer (potential) customers authentic added value in advertising. Even if this added value cannot be consciously categorized immediately, advertising content is better perceived this way. 
Art opens up this scope. 

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Art as a mirror of society

5/5 Combining Creativity with strategy


We combine creativity with strategy leading to added value in Marketing. I conceive and produce with art in strategy® always art content in the framework of a holistic marketing strategy. 

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Creativity with Strategy

We look forward
to realizing your individual 
art in strategy®

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